Not a bad idea.
I would go for the female as you get the Yak milk.
They are very hardy creatures so do not need sheds or stables in the winter.
Well let's face it after living in the Himalayas ,the south of England is a doddle.
You can make Yak butter, which is nice in tea, or if you train them you can use them to plough or even put a saddle on them and ride them to the shops.
I guess that is why you want a two seater one, double saddle!
I would strongly advise de-horning them as they can grow bloody great horns.
Not good when you tether them outside Tescos as they tend to scratch the cars next to them.
Hope this advice helps , can't see what buying a bloody great cow has to do with fishing though.
Unless you want some Yak milk to put in yer thermos at night.
There again if you ride the bugger down to the pub.... can you get done for being drunk in charge of a Yak ,on the way home ??