Post by vax on Jun 30, 2008 17:26:36 GMT
Has any one used salt x or salt-away when flushing your outboard.
My outboard is overheating a little and i am putting it down to salt build up before i got it.
Would be interested if anyone has used it.
Post by monkeynuts on Jun 30, 2008 17:40:08 GMT
iv never tryed them , but kettle descaler can work in the short term, run it in to your engine with boiling hot water, turn off and run thought with fresh after 15-20 minutes.
but with most engines iv had salt up in the best way is the hard way, strip and clean
just out of intrest, i know you said about the impeller was been changed with a service but has your stat been tested and is you guage/sencor reading correct. cheers john
Post by vax on Jun 30, 2008 18:17:46 GMT
Unsure on that but i will check it out John. The mechanic did give me a thermostat gaskit so i could bypass the sensor to "get me home".
Think i will get another gaskit so i can take a peek and see how bad it is.
Post by Lavy on Jun 30, 2008 18:29:51 GMT
Have to agree with john. Once the salt build up is in there it can go off like concrete.
Post by scotty-b- on Jun 30, 2008 18:46:10 GMT
if you do not want to use kettle descaler you can use concentaded lemon juice then rince it through with clean water
Post by backdraft on Jun 30, 2008 23:34:36 GMT
vax what motor is it with the problem.
Post by vax on Jul 1, 2008 13:01:34 GMT
Its a Honda 50 4/ made in 1995.
Post by backdraft on Jul 1, 2008 14:45:22 GMT
i asked because if it were a merc or mariner 4 stroke. when they are around 4 years old, they suffer with a o ring that swells up and restricts the water flow from the w/pump.quite a big job.
i have used SALT X in the past, an ive seen pics of a chap that was salted up, he took the thermostat out and you could see the build up he fitted up his bilge pump up to pump the mix (saltx)round the motor .he left it running for two days .but it did clean it right out.
i was also told of someone that runs a large motor once a year in CALGON the gear that you stick in washing machines to stop scale.......but not to sure about that one.
Post by vax on Jul 1, 2008 17:28:55 GMT
Well i am going to give the Salt-Away a go, will keep you all posed on results.
Post by vax on Sept 28, 2008 19:54:00 GMT
Salt-Away treatment completed and i now have a tell-tail with an attitude. Salt deposit went soft and was flushed out.
Post by scotty on Sept 29, 2008 21:19:07 GMT
nice one mate, saves 50 odd squid for a head gasket ;D